Over $2.8million

invested in our
communities of
Elmore, Lockington,
Rochester and


We are a locally owned and operated community company established by our locals in 2003. In partnership with Bendigo Bank, Lockmore runs Community Bank Elmore, Lockington and Rochester – a unique banking concept where the profits we generate are returned to our local community in a number of ways:

  • Sponsorships for our local community organisations – via our Community Sponsorship Program which is run twice yearly

  • Grants through specialised tailored programs (recent examples being the Rochester Flood Recovery Grants Program & Elmore Field Days Sustainability Program)

  • Yearly dividend payments to our local shareholders.

  • University & TAFE Scholarships to assist our young & maturea-age locals starting their tertiary journey

  • Providing local jobs by employing staff who live in our communities

  • Giving a voice to our region and encouraging other funders to co-support projects in our communities